Saturday, February 5, 2011

Nursery Rhymes by Moira

Our dear little Moira - if she's not crying, she'll be talking or singing. According to hubby, she even sings before she sleeps at night. So before I forget the songs that she entertained us everyday, I take this opportunity to post it here before the sun rises and the kids are awake.

Two little eyes to look around,
Two little ears to hear a sound,
One little nose to smell how sweet the smell,
One little mouth to speak and eat.

Strawberry strong, strawberry strong,
Because it's red...

Cicak, cicak, didinding,
diam-diam merayap,
Datang seekor nyamuk,
Nyap... Nyap...
Lalu ditelannya...

Katak hijau, katak hijau
Dia sudah datang
Lompat sini
Lompat sana
Uak... Uak... Uak...
(hehe... funny kan)

There are a few more she always sings but I could't get the words exactly, perhaps I'll ask the teacher next Monday. (Sometimes even the teacher forget the song :P).

I hope when Moira grew up she will teach her children these songs too. One thing about Moira, she loves to sing as much as she cried or cried as much as she sings. I remembered when she was just a little baby, she used to throw tantrum and made a fuss if she didn't get her milk straight-away (and that is when she is few months old). Now this little baby has grown into a singing angel-thank God.

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