Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Result is Out...

Waiting for the result of the Histology is like waiting for a life sentence to be read out. Anyway, I went for review with the Genereal Surgeon last week on the 10 June 2010 and here is the result: - "NO MALIGNANCY" whew...

I had lumpectomy done on my left breast on the 3rd June 2010 and now the scar is still healing and the swelling almost subside - but slightly painful to touch. It was an hour procedure and I requested Local Anesthetic without sedation. Huhu... brave me and lucky me when I chose not to be sedated as apparently the lump keep moving away causing the doctor have to cut bigger area (around 2 inches incision and pretty deep too) and inject the LA a few times at different spots during the procedure. I smelled my flesh being barbequed and keep imagining what were they doing.

The surgeon was quite nice actually -he keep asking me whether I'm afraid or not and I told him as long as I'm not in pain I'll be alright and he also told me that I'll be hearing lots of sound but nothing to be scared off. Pat on my back I manage to stay still for 1 hour - though it's pretty difficult for a 35 wks pregnant body to be in one position for too long (back is aching and the baby is kicking like nobody business during the procedure - perhaps he too can feel the tension). Poor baby - mama has to get you involved but it's a relieve also to feel you moving all the time which means you are alright in there.

Thank God I can now rest my mind on the issue and concentrate on the new baby arrival. Last review with Obgyn at 36wks I weighted at 60 kg and baby is approx. 2.6 kg. No wonder it feels heavier now and my pelvic bone is in constant pain. I guess my body is preparing for the Day. I even feel the need to clean the house - "nesting instinct" everyday that I won't rest until all is done for the day. And as usual, I would sneak at 2 am to have my delicious ripe mangoes (afraid that I might go into labour and can't have it for a month). Uhhh yummy...


Deana E said...

Hi, first time here..

you are really brave to have just LA for the surgery. i accompanied my mum for a biopsi and i just couldnt stand looking at her in pain..ow..you are also pregnant? im in my 39th weeks now and going to be induced this friday-now have lots of time resting..all the best..

Mama UauaMomoi said...

Hi Deana... Welcome.
I delivered already. Supposed to be 8 July but baby just couldn't wait to get out at 39 wks (he is already full term anyway).