Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A test of patience

I have my patience tested everyday for 4 weeks now by preparing Moira's super smooth porridge. Here's how:

1. Cook rice + carrot for 1 1/2 hours till rice become fluffy and carrot tender.

2. Put the cooked rice into the sieve and squeeze it through the tiny mesh to form a smooth texture (see the creamy texture coming through the sieve).

It takes me another 30-45 minutes to get a decent 2 servings for Moira's meal in the morning and afternoon. And that's when my patience get tested especially early in the morning when the children are heavily asleep and papa is still scaring away monsters (according to Joshua- when papa snores he is actually scaring away the monster). I wish I can join them but wish is only wish... I've got to prepare this for my beloved Momoi.

Voila! Super smooth creamy porridge.

Moira eagerly waiting for her yummy porridge. Luckily feeding her is easy...
with the help of bro Uaua and mama clowning face
(no need to show the face here - trust me we look funny as Moira is laughing all the way till the last drop of her porridge )


Aunty J said...

Moira looked so cute in her baby chair!! :) I guess soon I will be joining your wagon when my precious Ethan turns 6 in less thn 2 mths! Yikes!

Mama UauaMomoi said...

can you believe it Uaua took the picture... (My official photographer). He can take pretty good picture.
From the way he drink his milk, I'm sure feeding solid to Ethan will be easy peasy.

Jewelle said...

Hi! Joyce told me about your site and here I am - as for the porridge, I use to sieve too but that is TOO much work for someone lazy like me - I blend everything. Try it.


This is the porridge I make for my daughter Qi

Mama UauaMomoi said...

Hi... Thanks...

I've tried blending everything but instead I get sticky, ooey, greeney vegetable soup (over-blending I guess)... so I go back to the good ol' sieve. Maybe I will try blending again after seeing your porridge (not bad).