Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Another Milestone for Little Moira

Yay.. Little Moira is 7 Months today! How fast time flies since the day you were born and how fast you have grown. I'm afraid you'll grow up too fast... too soon... Ohh how I miss the baby time when I was still on my 2 months confinement leave.

**Little - Yesterday, we went to the clinic to get flu medicine for Moira and when I weighted her she is only 6.65kg. The doc told us the patient before Moira laugh at her as their baby who is just 2 months old looks bigger and weighted 7kg! While cheeky little Moira although looking small can do many tricks... Doc says not to worry as looking from her built she will grow up petite size.

Few things we notice Moira can do/have at 7 months:

1. Pull self to stand up in baby cot (Another first today - papa call you spider girl)
2. My 2 front teeth (although one tooth seems to grow longer than the other)
3. Sit up straight on her own (officialy she was able to sit up straight on her own during raya eve)
4. Pull open the cot bumper ribbon knot (Poor bro Uaua- all this while I always thought uaua open the knot until I saw by my own eyes this morning it was actually pull open by cheeky little Moira)
5. Likes to say Eeee... Eeee... not sure what she means but it sounds cute.
6. Likes to say Puff...Puff... also cute.
7. Separation anxiety... cry when left with "strange" new people especially when mama not around ("strange" new people i.e. papa, dodu, nenek, kung-kung - obviously she is very obsessed with mama)

Moira showing off her latest skill

1 comment:

Aunty J said... little Moira is the new spider girl eh? hehehe...she is so cute and yes, time flies coz she's already 7 mths old!! Oh dear oh dear..