Monday, November 22, 2010

Has it ever occured to you that when you sick, you'll deal with your sickness alone. The agony, pain, torture you and only you can feel. Although people around you are trying to help, ease with medicine but the biggest trouble is only felt by you and you alone. The rest can only pity, empathize or maybe even don't care because the pain is solely yours.

It is different when you are happy or celebrating something or just crowned as the millionaire, everyone wants to feel what you feel. And in fact you don't need to invite people, they just come to you to share your state of happiness, ecstasy, and some lucky people may even have a pinch of something from you.

Well that's two totally different feeling. That's why (probably... there maybe other reason) when you are affected by the former it is easier to lose hope and let go. I just remembered mom, how she suffered from her sickness after reading a doctor's blog. It's true, it is easier to manage a person sickness when a family-member is fully supportive and know the patients daily maintenance i.e. monitoring glucose level, giving out medicine, listening time, etc.

Saying "Don't know" is no excuse not to learn.