Thursday, October 28, 2010


I'm stressed.....because

1. I found out that I lost my SD card (I hope whoever found the little blue rectangular 256Mb thingy will return it to me... It got lots of pictures of kids & me & my mom in it).

2. The milk container I've done packing fell when Momoi was trying to help and I have to wipe the floor and re-fill the container and wash the milk bag again.

3. The kids (Uaua & Momoi) was teasing each other in the car and after sometimes Momoi start screaming because she cannot take the teasing.

4. Titi also screaming because he wants to join the crowd.

5. Titi insist the world Cup song - Waka-Waka to be played and he will start to sing along. When either Uaua or Momoi start to sing-along, Titi will start screaming again until both Uaua and Momoi stop singing (He wants to sing and everyone just listen and this happens in the car).

6. When we reach home, Uaua, Momoi & Titi start asking for this and that... while Noah start to cry because he doen't like to be left alone in the baby cot (Well, Noah also wants this and that...)

7. Well... I'm used to all the above 2-6 (it's my daily life now) but what makes me stress even more is NO. 1.... ohhh where is my SD.... Hubby said forget about it... maybe I will (but I still hope to find it somewhere). It feels like a piece of my mind is lost when I lost it because I usually carry it around in my handbag until yesterday when I noticed it was gone... gone...

I want it back so much not because the RM value (SD cards are soo affordable nowadays) but for the sentimental value of the pictures that it contain. Soooo... if anyone happen to get the SD card please return to me (including the kiddos k... if you been playing with Mama's stuff please return to Mama immediately - as if the kids read my blog hehe)

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