Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Well Done my Son!

Joshua won the School Break Project organised by the Guidance and Counseling teacher at his school recently. So here is his masterpiece that earned him KFC lunch treat with Mdm Eve.

I made him write so many times on the particulars and the story so that he got it right. So there you go my son, your effort is finally paid off. I hope this will boost his morale to try again next time.

Joshua 1st Semester result is also out. Here is a glimpse of his result:-

BM 92% - A
English 94% - A
Maths 87% - A
Science 92.5% - A
Kadazandusun - B
Moral - A
Art - C
Music - A

Overall percentage - 92% - A

Whew.... what a relieve. I thought he will do badly because I don't have enough time to do revision with him. Most of the time, this mama will get panicky one day before exam and when in panic mode we can only do so much. Even more sad when Joshua himself said he wants to learn but mama got no time to teach him. Then I have to outsource to the hubby (terpaksala gotong royong kan).

Luckily most of the times Joshua did his homework on his own (yup.... he does his homework without much persuasion). At least we have explained to him that doing school homework is his duty and Joshua has accepted the fact. Same as, washing his school shoes, emptying nursery bag to laundry basket, putting laundry in the washing machine, clearing toys before bedtime, getting ready dinner table, packing school bag and nursery bags. In fact it is amazing for his age, he can do so much stuff around the house and that really help me a lot. I'm just so glad and thankful to have such a thoughtful and wonderful son. Mama & Papa love you so much son!

1 comment:

Aunty J said...

Well done Uaua!! Aunty J is sooo proud of you!! Mmmuahhhh!!