Monday, September 7, 2009

New Development

Now it's the littlest member of the family turn - our happy little Theodore caught theHand Foot and Mouth virus apparently from the nursery. The first symptom appeared (fever) on the 4th September and followed by spots (like chicken pox) 2 days later. Moira already caught the virus last year, so we are not so worried at home. (Adults and children above 5 do get this virus but the symptoms are mostly mild)

With the newfound virus he was more clingy and cranky - perhaps the feeling of uneasiness, sticky and soreness made him like that. He enjoyed extra attention and care from us. Luckily he is still mostly breasfed, the symptoms is not as bad as Moira's last time. He still want to drink his milk and eat a little something. I gave him papaya and very watery baby cereal.

I was planning to take a week leave to take care of Theodore, unfortunately I was called for another meeting in KL middle of the week. So Darling Hubby, MIL and me take turns to care for Theodore during the week. I'm so very lucky and thankful to have hubby and MIL around.

At 8 months, Theodore is weighing 7.5kg and length 72.5cm. He can...
~Stand on his own (holding furniture)
~Clap his hands/toys together
~Say mama/nenen/papa when hungry
~Loves to play with Uaua & Momoi
~Grind his 2 visible lower front teeth
~Loves banana and apple
~Can take coarse porridge but shows dislike of the plain taste
~Started to eat on baby chair

Messy me on me Baby Chair

I still haven't tried any meat or fish on him. Perhaps will let him try when I've got time to buy some fish during the weekend. I'm not pro to putting anchovies in the porridge as fresh fish is better than preserved fish.

Huhu.. can't wait for the long weekend to spend more time with the kiddies...

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