At first, I planned to send a birthday cake to the nursery for her to celebrate with her friends but unfortunately she got infected with conjuctivitis just a day before her "buff-day". Too bad for her... we have to KIV her buff-day celebration to a later date.
So on her birthday, she spend the whole day at Dodu's house with bro. Uaua - poor kids, they are under quarantine and kept as far as possible from baby TeeTee (Theodore).
Here's a couple of pictures of our 2 year old "Ultraman" Momoi and her Bro... hehe. (Papa call them ultraman eyes... hehe)
Momoi's eyes is still swollen and very red. Uaua's eye getting better...
And last night before she sleep she sang happy buff-day again to herself and everyone until she fell asleep (she's been singing the song almost everyday for one month already) and say a little prayer. Perhaps it's her way of reminding me and hubby of her buff-day.
Happy Birthday Momoi!
momoi dear, happy birthday! kesian, sakit mata pulak...
Hepi 2nd buff-day ultra-momoi :)
doi gia sian si bday girl..bah anty wish ajelah yea moi..happy birthday!
Oh oh...Aunty J lupa terlupa your bday la Momoi...sori ah...coz Aunty was bz wt ur cousin Ethan who was ill worries coz Aunty J oredi got ur present ready ba...nanti wen all u kids well Aunty will pass the bday present to you the mean time virtual kiss kiss and hugs from Aunty J...Happy 2nd Bday pretty girl!! Love her 2nd cheeky the smile ;p
Miss Mathew
Aunty J
Momoi say Thanks for the birthday wish!
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