Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I went to get the GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test) result from Pathlab yesterday. I'm so relieved the result turn out OK... Within normal limits. I have also done similar test during my previous pregnancies and the result were also the same. In fact, my O&G tell me no need to do but I'm worried as my urine glucose is always high. So I did the test again - don't want to take chances.

Hee... so happy with the result that Me and hubby went to celebrate at Hana Japanese Restaurant, Citimall yesterday. But darling hubby reminded me not to eat anything sweet - good result doesn't mean I can indulge. Thanks darling for reminding...

Since I got family history of diabetes I'm actually cautious about my diet - normally I would drink tea or coffee without sugar. Consume less carbohydrate, but sometimes this can be very difficult especially during the festive season. Do more exercise (for me house cleaning is an exercise).

So until then, I pray that our precious baby is doing well and will be delivered healthy and safely.

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