Monday, April 14, 2008

This Brand or That Brand?

In the previous post, I was still balancing the pros and cons of the new formula Moira has been taking. Now that it's over 2 weeks she's taking the new formula and seems fine with the new formula, I'll most probably let her continue with the formula - Mamil step 2 (for 6 to 12 months) for another week before changing to Mamil step 3 (for 1 to 3 years).

The reason why we let her try the step 2 instead of step 3 because previously she is used to Similac step 1 which taste less sweeter and a bit plain. Whereas step 3, the taste is richer and much sweeter so to make the trasition smooth we let her try step 2 first. If she's fine with the taste and doing OK then only we try to change again to step 3 as recommended by the paediatrician.

Before this she has few reactions during her trial period with Mamil step 2:-

1. Very soft (like toothpaste consistency) and sometimes watery stool
- I thought maybe she's allergic to the milk or maybe it's diarrhea but the milk says the Oligosaccharide content can cause softer stool but didn't expect it to be like a newborn baby stool. Anyway, at least I don't have to worry about her having constipation like she used to with Similac.

2. Very often bowel movement
- she poo sometimes 3-5 in a day which is very unusual of her and more work for me and hubby.

3. Very bad rash on her bottom and private area
- It was really bad and very red and raw. I even thought rash almost become blister. I had to wash her private area with Lactacyd and applied the anti-fungal cream (twice daily). Fortunately, within 2-3 days her skin looks like normal again... whew.

After examining the above reactions and advice from the paediatrician, we finally conclude that reaction 1 & 2 maybe caused by the milk but reaction no 3 is caused by thrush / fungal infection due to over-use of antibiotic in the previous week to cure her bacterial infection. Also, since yesterday and today she poo-ed only 2 times a day and the stool is getting better in consistency, therefore reaction 1 & 2 is no longer a worry already.

So I finally decided to continue to give her Mamil step 2 for another week and then will switch over to Mamil - step 3 next week. Hopefully now that she's used to the taste, I shall have no problem during the changeover period next week.


Agnes CF Lee said...

My girls have been taking Dumex Mamex/Mamil since they were born. I started to mix the chocolate and ordinary flavoured milk powder since the introduction of the chocolate one in the market. They love the chocolate flavour. But I have to mix the two so that it would not be too "heaty" because taking chocolate one alone could cause heatiness.

Mama UauaMomoi said...

Agnes: Thanks for the feedback. Now I'm still trying to get Moira to drink the step 3. I guess once she's used to it then I might try the chocolate ones.