Friday, January 18, 2008

Little Moira is 10 Months

Yesterday (17 Jan 2008) I decided to take some photos of the kids as it was little Moira's 10 month birthday

Apparently kids under 1 year old will have birthday every month - not really a party but just something for the parents to look forward to.

Instead I got this funny shot of our son Joshua - S-Jibeng look...
(S-Jibeng - a famous Malay singer in the 60's who wears sun glasses during his shows)

Joshua: Mama, the flash is too bright I need to put on my sun glasses
Moira: Hehe... (who is his funny guy next to me...)

Little Moira at 10 Month
(finally her forth (left) upper teeth decide to show 2 weeks ago
- she only have 3 front teeth before)

1 comment:

Aunty J said...

You little Moira is so cute with her big round eyes and Joshua looked so funny with the sunnies! haha..