Thursday, October 11, 2007

Is it end of the world or is it spaceship sesat??

Today as we were busy raking mindlessly over items at Parkson suddenly a call came to Feleccia's handphone.. telling it's end of the world, look outside. Without thinking much that it would be another hoax, we went ourside... and I got the above image with my N73.

What a coincidence with the spaceship that was launched yesterday... Is this has something to do with the spaceship or is it trully end of the world?

Maybe someone can explain.


Mama UauaMomoi said...

Apparently what happen today is called Halo Effect.
To read up click on the link below...

Aunty J said...

Wowo...welcome to the blogging world!! :)

BTW, I was with my colleagues in Parkson too during lunch hrs hehe...